

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Heading back to the US soon....

We have been around the Thousand Islands, Canadian side, for the past week. Hopping from one island to another in search of a suitable Parks Canada dock. We are finding out that although it is now low season, the docks are still sufficiently busy (first-come first-serve) that it is not easy to find a dock  for Sirocco. We do need a loooooong and sturdy dock, and there are not that many. This boat is almost too big for this boating area. And anchoring here is hardly possible (too many rocks, rocky bottom, current and eddies), unlike on the Rideau.

We just spend 2 days at a municipal marina in Brockville, Ontario. Pretty little town on the Saint Lawrence river, at the North East End of the Thousand Islands, with a quaint harbor. And even the ducks are finding shelter from the colder temperatures and waters...

We went to the opening of an art show with friends Dale and Wendy, as one of the artist exhibiting her work is a boating acquaintance to all of us. The quality of her work, and that of the other painters, was quite remarkable. Very good and varied fine art. Alas Sirocco is too small to hang such pieces, and with humidity and lack of good temperature control, we would not want to not take proper care of such precious work! AH! AH! We are saving our pennies for the new generator instead.

We will now be inching our position for an upcoming Lake Ontario crossing. The winds can be pretty wicked in this early Fall season, and we need to be ready when that one good day comes about. We hope to have crossed by early October. Sooner if the opportunity is there. The boat is to be put up no later than October 10 near Syracuse, NY. It could be sooner than that.

We think we will be back in New Bern near October 10.

We hope you all have had as great a summer as we did. Despite a few hickups at the start of our journey, and a few more along the way (it's a boat!), we thoroughly have enjoyed our time on the beautiful Canadian waters, breathing only clean pure fresh air... and we plan to do so until our very last day here. Reconnecting with our Canadian friends was very special. Did you know that Canadians are such hospitable and welcoming people? Our experience says they are and they love Americans and the US.

To (a few) more chilled wines and fair winds,
Annick and Michael cruising aboard Sirocco

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