

Monday, June 4, 2012

At The Narrows on Big Rideau Lake, Ontario, CA

We have been at a dock since last Friday. That day, the weather turned and it has been raining, much cooler, and windy since...rather miserable for a solid 4 days now. We are staying put and hope the wind will subside by tomorrow so we can drive Sirocco on the lake (no lock to take) to Portland where we can fill up with water. Good books, some knitting (Annick), paper work and bill paying (Michael), cooking (both), and boat repairs (both...oops I mean Michael) are all keeping us amused; or at least occupied.

And water we need! Because we have had a fresh water leak for quite a while. It was gradually getting worse, to the point where we were losing as much water as we actually were using. Not pleasant when you save every drop during showers, only to feed the bilge fresh water all along...may be I should have bathed in the bilge??? At any rate, after many investigative attempts on Michael's part, our friend Dale located the source of the leak on Saturday. As you would have it, not an easy access. I wish I could announce that it is all repaired, but alas, repairs so far have mitigated about 75% of the leak, but there is still a leak. So Michael will be working on this once again later today and tomorrow.

In return, Michael was able to get Dale's satellite TV system back up and running again. So our team has a good plumber and a good electronics repair man. Let's see what can fail next and whether we have the tools and skills to fix it...
So long, and until next time,
Annick and Michael Smart aboard Sirocco.

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