

Friday, August 3, 2012

From Covered Portage Cove (near Killarney), North Channel

We have not had any cell phone or internet connection in quite a while.
Today finally, I can connect briefly. So sending this to let everyone know we are well and enjoying our trip tremendously. The North Georgian Bay is spectacular, but I would have to say that we almost like the Southern part even better. We started exploring the North Channel a week ago. It is spectacular too, and the waters are big and open. Very different from the Eastern Georgian bay shores. Higher hills, whiter granite rocks, and more conniferous trees around. Very wild and certainly not many cottages around. Will post picutres of both the Norhtern Georgian Bay and the North Channel as soon as I have access to a fast internet connection to upload large data files.

Greetings to all!
Annick & Michael Smart aboard Sirocco

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