

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Chesapeake City, MD

HAPPY 14th (Bastille Day) to all my French connections!

We arrived just in time (as planned)...before the thunderstorms on Wednesday early afternoon. Actually, there hardly was any right here in Chesapeake City. Just a little spit here and there.
This is a very small town located 5 miles or so before the official beginning of the C&D canal. There is a fairly sheltered small harbor with a town floating dock. This is where one waits for the right conditions to go thru the C&D canal and the Delaware Bay to Cape May. The Delaware Bay can be very nasty. One tries to time the run to go along with the tide (outgoing tide) and the natural current, and preferrably pick a day when the winds are also in a favorable direction to the tide current. Today was not that day, so we stayed put. Tomorrow Friday looks fair to good, yet the winds will be South but no more than 10 knots and the forecast is for 1 ft waves on the bay...we naturally multiply the waves forecast by 2 to 3, as it seems to often be necessary... So we'll leave at 8AM to hit the outgoing low tide starting at 10AM. We'll have 7 miles on the canal and 55 miles on the bay.

Chesapeake City is a little gingerbread town. Very, very cute 1840s houses mostly well maintained. Mostly B&B, a few restaurants and gifts/antiques or otherwise old stuff shops.

No grocery store though. Our dock neighbor who lives here on his boat and has a car is giving Michael a lift later on to WalMart! YEH! Wonder if we can buy Lucky Duck vino there too??? In addition to my official duty as water nazi aboard Sirocco, I have had to appoint myself as the TP nazi...we (someone?) use(s) way too much TP here. Micheal is the electrical energy demand nazi...

I hope to write next time from Cape May.
To fair seas and cool wine!
Annick & Michael cruising aboard Sirocco

1 comment:

  1. You sound like you are having so much fun. Keep us all posted. Love you guys.
