

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New York here we come!

We had the perfect plan to leave from the Manasquan Inlet at 5:15AM for the run to NYC on the ocean. This was important since the forecast called for calmer waters in the morning. We enthusiastically rose at 4:45AM but found ourselves socked in by dense fog. Fog finally lifted by 9AM and we had an uneventful ride to NYC harbor.
Entering NY harbor from the ocean was an experience to remember: it is not just the breathtaking Manhattan skyline, but Lady Liberty stands right in the middle with all the tall buildings as a backdrop, and she is surrounded by container ships coming and going, or simply waiting. We toured a bit before following a small channel taking us to the Liberty State Park anchorage basin. This was not easy to find, especially as we had to cross the main channel as well as negotiate our way with the numerous ferries who run around like they are the only ones on the water...

Michael's daughter and grand-daughter will stop by tomorrow. Our friends Vickey and Fran are arriving Friday to join us on our journey up the Hudson and the barge canal in NYS. Oh, and I am pr
oudly flying my French flag on the bow in front of Lady Liberty ...

Wish I could attach a few pictures, but again no internet here.
Until next time,
Annick and Michael on Sirocco

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