

Friday, July 1, 2011

Portsmouth/Norfolk to Hampton, VA

Friday July 1, 2011

Sirocco is repaired and we are being launched by noon today. Repairs were done to both propellers and one rudder. Damages were actually not that bend drive shaft at least! And absolutely no scuff marks on the bottom. The starboard propeller and rudder took the blunt of the wreck, and even these could be repaired locally and fast. We are pleased!

We camped out at a Comfort Inn nearby, and spend the last 2 days visiting Portsmouth and Norfolk, Virginia. Our folding bikes proved indispensable and sooooo convenient to go around town. Portsmouth has a quaint and pretty historical district where we stayed. Found all the good eateries too! Visited the Portsmouth Naval Museum, which provided a good review of the Independence and the Civil wars. Also visited the Plymouth Lightboat. Toured the Nauticus Museum in Norfolk  (took the ferry across the Elizabeth River with our 2 bikes), site of the decommissioned Wisconsin Battleship, 887 ft long! Neither one of us had been on a battleship before. The Wisconsin last job was in the Desert Storm war in 1991.

We think to head to Hampton, VA later on today and anchor there for the night. It is at the Southern end of the Chesapeake Bay, Western side.

Last 2 pictures show Michael checking us out of the room, and the well-attended splash back in the water (AH! AH!) amidst applauds. 

"So setting sayle for the Southerne shore, we sayled up a narrow river up the country of the Chisapeack."  Anthony Bagnall, 1608.



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