

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Yorktown, VA

We arrived in Yorktown on Saturday July 2 around 1 PM. We left Hampton really early that morning because the wind had shifted and we had drifted a bit too close to a sunken we were off anchor at 7:40 AM, and a many of you know, this is EARLY for us.

The cruise took us past Fort Henry and Fort Monroe at the Southern entrance into the Chesapeake. Once you get out there, the markers get very large. This is BIG BOY boating.

We had a school of 7 dolphins following us for a while. We saw colorful sponges and lots of jelly fish (in Yorktown).

The trip was very uneventful: YEH! We amused ourselves by watching the fishfinder and were amazed by how many there were all the time.

When we got to the entrance of the York River, Annick's French heritage reminded us (loud and clear!) of the French admiral De Grasse who blockaded the entrance in October 1781 stopping the British fleet advance from New York that was sent to reinfornce Biritish Commander Cornwalllis at Yorktown. This proved to be a (the?) turning point to winning the Independance War.

We found a great anchoring spot immediately across from Yorktown in Gloucester Point located on Sarah Creek. We decided to stay 2 days. Drove the dinghy 2 miles across the York River to Yorktown on Saturday. Toured the historic little town and the battlefield. What an experience for a British born american and a French born "american" woman! We love the area.

Annick is proud that so much recognition was given the French for their key role in winning the war of Independance from those Britts...

We are off to Deltaville,VA tomorrow Monday July 4th (western Chesapeake Bay). Hope they have fireworks! And thanks that Michael does NOT have to light them up...
Happy 4th to all!
Annick & Michael on board Sirocco

1 comment:

  1. Happy 4th!!! Just caught up on your blog! Oh my gosh - shipwreck! At least you had a great time while the boat was out of the water.

    We're on land this weekend, headed to MPM on Thursday for 4 days. We plan on being out on the water most of the time, not in the slip.

    Stay safe!! Suzanne
